Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Tableau, Looker, and Origami Logic Acquisitions Show Analytics Is In Fashion

One of the unwritten laws of punditry is that one event is random, two events are interesting, and three events make a trend. By that measure, the purchases of data analytics vendors Looker by Google, Tableau by Salesforce, and Origami Logic by Intuit within a three week span must signify something. Is it that martech suites must now include business intelligence software?

I think not. Even though the acquired products were fairly similar, each of these deals had a different motivation. Conveniently, the buyers all stated their purposes quite clearly in their announcements.

- Intuit bought Origami Logic to advance its strategy to become an “A.I.-driven expert platform”. Specifically, they see Origami Logic as providing a “strong data architecture” that will “accelerate Intuit’s ability to organize, understand, and use data to deliver personalized insights that help customers quickly achieve success and build confidence whenever they use Intuit products.” Reading between the lines, Intuit recognized its existing data architecture can’t support the kinds of analysis needed to generate AI-based recommendations for its clients, and bought Origami Logic to close that technology gap. In other words, Origami Logic will be the foundation of new Intuit products.

- Google bought Looker “to provide customers with a more comprehensive analytics solution — from ingesting and integrating data to gain insights, to embedded analytics and visualizations — enabling enterprises to leverage the power of analytics, machine learning and AI.” That’s somewhat similar to Intuit’s purpose, but Looker is building applications on top of Google Cloud’s existing, extremely powerful data management capabilities rather than providing a new data management foundation. Indeed, Looker already runs on Google Cloud. So Looker is adding another layer of value to Google Cloud, letting it meet more needs of its existing clients.

- Salesforce bought Tableau so it can “play an even greater role in driving digital transformation, enabling companies around the world to tap into data across their entire business and surface deeper insights to make smarter decisions, drive intelligent, connected customer experiences and accelerate innovation”. That’s not exactly pithy, but we’re dealing with Marc Benioff. The key is digital transformation, which lets Salesforce participate in projects beyond its current base in sales and marketing departments. That is, the purpose isn’t to add products for existing customers but to serve entirely new customers. The huge size of Tableau’s customer community – “more than 1 million passionate data enthusiasts” -- clearly a draw for Salesforce. This makes complete sense for Salesforce, which is always straining to maintain its growth rate.

Is there some commonality here? Sure: each of these vendors is striving to offer products based on advanced data management and analytics. Intuit is focused on the data management foundation while Google Cloud and Salesforce are focused more on analytics. All are acknowledging that it’s easier to buy mature technology than to build it from scratch. But of the three buyers, only Salesforce is a martech vendor and their purpose is explicitly to serve customers outside the martech user base. So whatever these deals prove, it’s not that business intelligence is the latest martech must-have.

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